Purity Culture Research & Resources

In my final semester of seminary, I chose to research a topic I had little academic knowledge on: purity culture. I was surprised to resonate with so much of what I was reading in my own research. I found language to describe some of my formative experiences in church. It was a challenging and exhilarating project to explore. Soon after graduation I shared a large portion of my work on this blog and it continues to spark great conversations, both online and in person.

Easter Sunday 2019. I was soon to turn in my final paper and finish my Masters degree!

Impure: A Series on Purity Culture

As I mentioned my paper to my friends, I discovered a hunger for the research and analysis. I decided to share some of that information here for a broader audience. This page serves as a central location for each of those posts, which are intended to be read in order.

  1. Impure: In Defense of the American Family
  2. Impure: The Fairy Tale of Sexual Purity
  3. Impure: Purity Culture is Rape Culture
  4. Impure: Female Sexuality in Purity Culture
  5. Impure: Harmful or Healing Liturgy?
  6. Impure: #ChurchToo and American Politics
  7. Impure: Preventing Sexual Violence

These posts may also be found under the category Purity Culture.

Recovering from Purity Culture

My blog posts and social media allowed me to find other communities recovering from the grip of modesty culture, purity culture, and rape culture — most of which came from within their faith communities. It is deeply disturbing (but not surprising) how many churches still perpetuate the harmful myths of rape culture in their sermons, pastoral advice, and political advocacy.

Since writing this paper a number of years ago, I’ve grown in my understanding of purity culture, but also patriarchy and white supremacy. I hope you, dear reader, find the information helpful as a starting point for your own exploration and recovery. It is imperfect and, in many places, incomplete. Nevertheless, I am confident it can be of use to you.


Spiritual Direction is

Holy Listening

If you are healing from the religious trauma of purity culture, I invite you to explore how spiritual direction and companionship can support you on your journey. Use the link below to send me an email.