biblical womanhood

Impure: Preventing Sexual Violence in Faith Communities

Impure: Preventing Sexual Violence in Faith Communities

In this series we’ve covered many topics within purity culture, but you may be left wondering what your role is in preventing sexual violence. This post contains several resources to empower you and your community to make informed advocacy decisions. Survivor Advocacy & Community Prevention The Importance of Pastoral Advocacy in Preventing Sexual Violence Members…

Impure: The Relationship Between #ChurchToo & American Politics

Impure: The Relationship Between #ChurchToo & American Politics

(This post uses #ChurchToo to compare responses from evangelical leaders, both pastoral and political, in the U.S. towards sexual violence. Additionally, the term “evangelical” has become political in recent years. Evangelical Christianity is a broad category with many different perspectives and is not monolithic. Simply because someone self-identifies as an evangelical does not mean they…